If users or campaigns break the Terms of Service agreement, we will decline further action on the campaign. This involves closing the checkout and removing the campaign from search results.
Depending on the severity of the breach, we may also place a banner on the campaign informing visitors of our decision. We may also fully block the campaign owner from our services if we decide such action is appropriate.
If a campaign is reported to us by legal representatives, we may also fully delete the campaign landing page upon request of said officials.
NOTE: Prohibited activities are outlined in section 12 of the Terms of Service agreement.
View the article on raffles and auctions.
When do users agree to the Terms of Service? #
When a user creates a new campaign, there’s a line right before finalizing the template in the campaign creation flow saying, “We promise to help you raise the most money possible. In return, you accept our teams.” This links directly to our Terms of Service page.

It’s extremely easy not to break the Terms of Service. Ours are written in simple language (i.e. not ‘legalese’), and we always welcome questions if you’re unsure. If you suspect a campaign is fraudulent or running against these Terms, please let us know.