Campaign story anchors direct a visitor to a specific part of the page immediately (also sometimes called a bookmark).
Campaign story anchors create a link in one part of your story to another part of your story in the same tab.
If you want to direct a visitor to a specific part of the page immediately, you can use the anchor feature (also sometimes called a bookmark). This creates a link in one part of your story to another part of your story in the same tab.

First, click somewhere in the line that you want to link to. Then click the anchor icon, as shown above. This box will appear:

Enter an ID for your anchor. This is your choice, but it can’t have any spaces. All one word! You can use letters and numbers.

When you click ‘Ok,’ you’ll see a little anchor icon beside the section you clicked:

Next, highlight the word or phrase you want to be the physical link. Then click the link icon in your story editor:

In the window that pops up, enter the hashtag/pound sign (this one: # different generations call it different things! :), followed by your anchor ID:

Then click ‘Apply,’ and make sure to save your changes!