Quick answer:
Keep-it-all (KIA), where you keep all funds as they come in, is for when your project can move forward without all of the funds you set your goal at.
All-or-nothing (AON) campaign, where you collect pledges until you reach your goal, is when you need ALL of the funds before you can begin your project.
Important: You cannot change your mind partway through. Campaigns are created as either All-or-nothing or Keep-it-all must remain that way. You will have to start a new campaign if you would like to switch from one to the other.
Keep-it-all campaign #
Our Keep-it-all funding type lets you keep the money you receive, regardless of the amount raised or how long the campaign takes. Contributions are processed immediately and deposited into the PayPal or Stripe account listed on your campaign at the time of the transaction, giving you quick access to the funds.
To select this Funding Method when you create your campaign, click the radio button next to Keep it all when you get to the “Details” page:

Check out these articles for common questions and answers about Keep-it-all crowdfunding campaigns: #
All-or-nothing campaign #
Our All-or-nothing funding type will pre-approve contributions when made, but it won’t complete the transactions until the campaign reaches its goal by the deadline. This type is perfect for causes, projects and businesses that need to raise a minimum amount to proceed. After reaching the goal on an All-or-nothing campaign, you manually trigger your pledges to become payments. Then, the campaign is switched to a Keep-it-all, the goal can be increased, and the deadline can be adjusted for you to continue the campaign for as long as you need. Or you can finish the campaign and go forth with your project! Huzzah!
To select this Funding Method when you create your campaign, click the radio button next to All-or-nothing when you get to the “Details” page:

Check out these articles for common questions and answers about All-or-nothing crowdfunding campaigns: #
- What happens when an All-or-nothing campaign hits the deadline?
- What happens when an All-or-nothing campaign hits its goal?
- How to cancel a pledge.
- Can a pledge fail to become a transaction?
- How to change a pledge reward order.
Choose wrong or change your mind? You can switch your campaign type, but ONLY before you launch!