Sub-campaign goal #
The sub-campaign goal is the amount to be raised for that sub-campaign and is displayed in the stats section. This goal may or may not have anything to do with the goals of each team member on that sub-campaign’s team, depending on options set by the main campaign.
You can choose whether your sub-campaign goals are influenced by each sub-campaigns team member’s goals (if applicable) or to be completely independent.
STEP 1 – Click ‘Sub-campaigns’ and then ‘Sub-campaign settings’ in the navigation menu.
STEP 2 – Scroll down to ‘Sub-campaign goal.’
Let’s pause here for a moment and discuss these features and how the team member goal can affect the sub-campaign goal.
- All sub-campaign goals will stay as whatever you input in ‘Static goal amount,’ no matter what each team member sets their goal to.
- So if this goal is set to $500, and team members’ goals are $100, $200, $100, $150, and $300, the sub-campaign goal will still be $500.
- ‘Locking’ the static goal means the sub-campaign team members will NOT be able to change the sub-campaign goal. Unchecking this box means their campaign will start on the goal you insert here. However, the team members will have the power to change it.
- Each sub-campaign’s goal depends on its team members’ goals.
- Team member goals are added together – if a team member changes a goal or a new member comes on with a new goal, the sub-campaign goal will automatically change.
- For example, if the team members’ goals are $100, $200, $100, $150, and $300, the sub-campaign goal will be $850.
- ‘Locking’ the dynamic goal means the sub-campaign’s team members will NOT be able to change the sub-campaign goal away from this dynamic number. Unchecking this box means they can change their goal; HOWEVER, if a new team member is added or someone changes their personal goal, the sub-campaign goal will recalculate to the new dynamic goal, even if it has been previously changed manually.
- Note: If you do not set team member goals (see next section), and your team members do not put a goal when they register, then the sub-campaign goal will be hidden on the campaign.
STEP 3 – Save
Team member goals #
Note: There may be Team member goals on the sub-campaigns AND the main campaign, but team member goals do not influence the main campaign goal in any way. This article explains the team member goal in context of the sub-campaigns. For team members of a main or standard campaign without sub-campaigns, please read this article.
A campaign can have a team of people, and each of those people can have their own goals. The platform tracks which team member inspired which donation in two ways:
- The supporter clicks a link shared by the team member containing that member’s reference code (click here for more information on reference codes)
- The supporter selects the team member in the ‘Attribution’ section of the checkout flow of the main campaign or the sub-campaign:
Now, how a team member chooses their goal CAN be dictated by the main campaign:
STEP 1 – Click ‘Sub-campaigns’ and then ‘Team settings’ in the navigation menu.
STEP 2 – Scroll down to ‘Team member goal’
Remember what you just learned about sub-campaign goals and locking them? You cannot lock team member goals and make them unchangeable. That is why there is the line ‘Not locked on sub-campaigns.’
However, you CAN create a required minimum.
If you put a goal here and you check off ‘Make it a required minimum,’ the fundraiser will be able to put a higher goal if they like, but not a lower one. After all, who are we to dash their enthusiasm??
Suppose you put a goal here and do not make it a required minimum. This amount will be pre-populated in the appropriate section of the fundraiser registration as a ‘suggestion.’ Still, the fundraiser can change it to whatever they want, even a lower number.
Here are some example scenarios to help explain:
Every campaign and organization is different, and they have varying needs, which is why there are so many options. Here are a few common scenarios and how to set up your goals properly for them.
You have a main campaign with a $100,000 goal and 5 sub-campaigns. Each sub-campaign will need a $20,000 goal, no matter how many team members are part of it or what their personal goals are. | Set at $20,000. Static and locked. | Left blank. | ||
You are running a peer-to-peer event with a main campaign at a $50,000 goal. Every single fundraiser needs to fundraise $1000 to participate in your event, no matter if they are on a team or not. | Set at dynamic. ‘Locking’ the goal is recommended but not required. | Set at $1000. Box for making this a required minimum is checked | ||
The choice here is optional. However, the recommendation would be to set as dynamic and unlocked. | The choice here is optional. However, the recommendation would be to set it as dynamic and unlocked. | Set at $500. Box for making this a required minimum is unchecked; the $500 is, therefore, a suggestion, but the fundraisers can choose lower if they like. |