Conversion rates and average gifts are helpful tools for determining your current campaign’s effectiveness plus planning future campaigns.
What are these, and why are they useful? #
The campaign conversion rate is the percentage of visitors to a campaign who contributed to your campaign. Conversion rates indicate how well your campaign story, pictures, rewards, etc., are encouraging visitors to support the campaign. For comparison, around 5% is considered an excellent conversion rate.
The average gift per supporter is the average amount of money contributed by individual supporters or backers of the campaign. It is calculated by dividing the total amount of funds raised by the number of supporters or backers.
When planning future campaigns, the conversion rate and the average gift are helpful in determining if your audience is large enough to support the goal:
Audience size = goal ÷ ave gift per supporter ÷ conversion rate
How to find these numbers in your campaign #
STEP 1 – Click ‘Analytics’ in your navigation menu.
STEP 2 – Find your conversion rate by dividing your Contributions by your Page views (1), and your average contribution is your Average payment (2).
In this example, the conversion rate is 1756/10409 = .1687 (almost 17%, which is incredible!), and the average payment is $137.94.