Unrestricted usage of funds frees up the money you raise to go to wherever it’s needed most. This ensures open communication and transparency with your supporters and prevents over-funding assets such as sub-campaigns and wishlists.
Note: This feature is for organizations only and is not available on Crowdfundr.
What does ‘unrestricted usage of funds’ mean and when is it useful? #
We created this feature for non-profit organizations guided by law around fundraising, for trust and transparency purposes. However, any organization should consider using this prompt.
It is possible to raise more money needed for a project, but donations to a non-profit cannot be legally refunded. Plus, even if there is no place in the project for using the extra amount raised, most organizations would happily use it for other things (such as their operations).
Sub-campaigns in a Microproject or wishlists are particular concerns for this. And, while you may limit the funding available to both (see here for campaign funding limits and here for how to limit rewards, like wishes), triggering this prompt also addresses concerns that too many funds might go to one project aspect and leave others dry.
We included this option as a caveat in the checkout flow, allowing supporters to acknowledge that their contributions might be needed somewhere other than the campaign’s description. They MAY decide to leave it unchecked, meaning the funds have to go to where the project indicates. Most, though, understand that fundraising projects have a variety of needs and won’t have a concern with this.
How to include this prompt in your campaign checkout flow #
STEP 1 – click “Settings” and then “Data collection in the navigation menu.
STEP 2 – Under ‘Prompt for unrestricted usage of funds?’ make your selection. Note that some countries may have laws and restrictions against ‘prechecking’ this option.
STEP 3 – Save