Yes, you can view a list of past contributions and tax receipts in your user menu IF you signed up for a ConnectionPoint account.
If you did not, please contact the campaign you contributed to or our customer support at for help.
Find your contribution list by clicking on your beautiful face in the top right corner of any ConnectionPoint platform, then ‘Contributions’ in the drop-down menu.

Alternatively, if you’re viewing your user profile, you can click the ‘Contributions’ option in your sidebar menu. If there are still tax receipts available for you to view, you can see them here.

NOTE: this is a ‘smart table’ (yes, everything is ‘smart’ nowadays); meaning if you are zoomed in too far, the table will remove columns rather than squish them together. If you feel you’re missing something, zoom out of your browser or click the expander icon (this one →) to view all options:
By clicking ‘View or edit details’, you can make changes to your contribution, such as updating address information or making your name and/or contribution amount anonymous.
Missing some contributions? Make sure you have logged into the platform in the same way (manually or through Facebook, Google, or LinkedIn) each time. For more information, click here.