ConnectionPoint’s platforms process contributions through the payment processing accounts Stripe and PayPal.
Find general information and how this process works here.
How do I withdraw my funds? #
When you create a campaign on one of ConnectionPoint’s platforms (FundRazr, CoCoPay, Crowdfundr, and PetFundr), you will connect your own Stripe and/or PayPal account.
Any contributions made to your campaign(s) are sent directly to these payment processing accounts – ConnectionPoint does NOT touch them at all! Applicable fees are removed from the contributions and sent to Stripe/PayPal/ConnectionPoint, with no reconciliation between yourself and those parties needed.
What about organizations? Any difference? #
The only difference here is an organization sets up their payment processing account in their organization profiles. Any campaign running under that profile will be processed using those accounts.
How do pledges work? #
Pledges are ‘promises’ of a contribution if a campaign collects enough pledges to reach its goal. This happens with ALL-OR-NOTHING campaign types only. Once a campaign reaches its goal, the owner confirms when they wish to charge their supporters, and the process is the same as described above.
Who are Stripe and PayPal? How do people pay through them? #
Stripe is a popular Irish-American software company offering payment-processing software. Supporters can use their credit cards, debit cards, Google Pay, Apple Pay, and occasionally bank accounts (depending on location) to contribute using Stripe. The most common is a credit card. Visit Stripe’s website to learn more!
PayPal is an American financial tech company that works essentially the same way, but supporters also have the option to contribute using their OWN PayPal account. This is not necessary, however.
It’s important to note that your supporters do NOT require their own Stripe or PayPal account to contribute. These companies simply act as the ‘middleman’ to bring a supporter’s contribution through the ConnectionPoint platform and to you.
Which should I choose? Stripe or PayPal? #
If both payment processing account options are available in your region, we highly recommend both. This provides multiple options for your supporters to contribute to your campaign, and options make for happier supporters. A happy supporter is a repeat supporter!
Click here to see Stripe’s supported regions.
Click here to see PayPal’s supported regions.
- While these payment processors are supported in many areas of the world, some regions and countries cannot use online crowdfunding services for their causes. These restrictions were put in place by the payment processors and the local governments.
- A region may be able to use PayPal for personal or local business use, but this does not mean they can use PayPal’s international checkout services. You must contact PayPal for more information if your account is shown as ‘Unable to accept payments’ or ‘Restricted.’
When will I receive my funds? #
Typically, one hour to one day after a transaction is processed, you will see the funds in your Stripe and/or PayPal account. You can then transfer those funds to your bank account (it’s common to set up an automatic transfer to reduce the work involved!).
Transactions are processed immediately in Keep It All campaign types and as soon as the campaign owner decides to charge supporters once their goal is hit in All or Nothing campaign types. Click here for more information on these two campaign types.
What if I cannot get a Stripe or PayPal account? How do I use the platform? #
Unfortunately, in this scenario, you cannot utilize ConnectionPoint’s platforms. We hope to partner with other payment processors to include more regions one day; however, at this time, these are the only two payment processors we work with and the only ways to use our platforms.