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Sports & Competitions
ConnectionPoint is for athletes, teams, pageants, fans, supporters and other competitors. Raise money for travel, training, equipment, events, tournaments or whatever you compete for. You can create your team fundraiser in less than an hour and start raising money online immediately.
Support NextUp’s 2025 Spring AAU Season
by NextUp Basketball
NextUp Basketball is a youth basketball program with a focus on developing young athletes, both on and off the court. We rely on donations and sponsorships to keep our costs low while providing the best possible experience for our youth athletes.
Tournament and Travel Fund for Olivia 'Wicked Feet' Frisby
by Susie Frisby
HI! I am Olivia Frisby, otherwise know as, Wicked Feet. I'm am a high school rugby player and in my Senior Year. I currently play for my school team and a few different 'select side' teams. I'm raising money to help fund my tournament fee's and tr...
Support our X-Alps Video Blog 🎥🏔️ TEAM GER1
by RedBull X-Alps Team Markus Anders
Unterstützt unseren X-Alps Videoblog! 🎥🏔️ 🪂 Die Red Bull X-Alps sind das härteste Adventure-Rennen der Welt – und für mich eine absolute Herzensangelegenheit. Mein Name ist Markus, ich bin leidenschaftlicher Gleitschirm-Pilot und Wettkampfathlet. 20...
GB East Mesa Comp Team Special Class Fundraiser
by Gracie Barra East Mesa Competition Team
Help Our Competition Team Reach the Next Level! 🥋💪 Our Competition Team is training harder than ever, pushing their limits to represent our academy at the highest level of competition. But as you know, competing isn’t just about skill and dedication—...
In the Ring with Reebs raising funds for Foundry Wellness
by Rebecca Bouchard
Knockout For A Cause is the North Shore’s first ever boxing fight night of its kind. Everyone has something they’re fighting for. Knockout for A Cause unites individuals, fighting for individual causes, but fighting as part of a team.
Help Equip Essex County Giants for the Season!
by Essex County Giants Youth Football Organization
Essex County Giants is a youth football team dedicated to building champions on and off the field! This season, we need your support to equip our players with the safest and best gear—helmets, pads, jerseys, and training equipment. Donate today!