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Animals, Pets & Humane
ConnectionPoint is for humane causes, veterinarian bills and other pet expenses. Collect donations for care dogs, clumsy cats, lame horses or other animals you care about. Creating an animal fundraiser is easy, fast and free. Thousands of animal shelters, pet rescues and wildlife rescues are successfully raising money online with our fundraising website.
Support Tribes & Save Ferrets, with Buffalo Nations Grasslands Alliance
by Buffalo Nations Grasslands Alliance
Native American Tribes manage 14% of all remaining black-footed ferrets in the wild. Freezes of federal funding are jeopardizing their conservation programs. BNGA invites you to join our effort to save black-footed ferrets and support Tribal conservation.
Please help is help this sweet setter
by Anna Geradts
This 10-year-old setter was heartlessly dumped at the pound in Ireland and now she needs our help. We are trying to raise 400€ to cover her vet check-up, eye exams, dental care, and travel preparations to find her a loving home. Every donation makes a ...
Paws Across Borders - PPR's 5th annual virtual walk to end animal homelessness!
by Pet Project Rescue
Our mission is to end animal homelessness and suffering by preventing animal overpopulation at its source through our free spay/neuter clinics from Minnesota to Mexico. We provide life-saving vet care for low-income communities lacking access to vet care.
Wish me a happy birthday with a donation for dog (&cat) shelters in Egypt 2025!
by Rasha Abdulla
Every paw tells a story! I always try to help dog and cat shelters on my birthday through a fundraiser. Official receipts will be emailed to all contributors. If you want to contribute in EGP, please use InstaPay with my phone number (account). Thanks!
Rescue Pigeons & Doves
by Palomacy Pigeon and Dove Adoptions
With your support, Palomacy Pigeon & Dove Adoptions saves the lives of domestic (unreleasable) birds that are lost, injured, displaced & abandoned. We provide rescue, foster care, avian vet treatment, care coaching, education & adoption services.