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Political fundraising
Easily collect contributions and identify supporters for a winning campaign. Help fill your campaign coffers and connect with voters with social media fundraising. Political fundraising is easy, fast and effective with ConnectionPoint. Help political candidates create their own online fundraising campaign with powerful social sharing and payment collection tools. More ideas about political fundraisers
Nnedi for YDNevada National Committeeperson
by Nnedi Stephens for YDA President
Born and raised in Nevada, I know part of the magic that makes the Silver State so unique is our ability to focus on the work that needs to get done and our passion for improving the lives of our neighbors. As Young Democrats of America faces a crisis ...
Help SMR Rejoin Radio Reach Further in 2025!
by SMR Rejoin Radio
SMR is the UK's first and now longest running Pro-European Radio Show! Help us reach our target of 100 Early Rejoiner Subscribers to guarantee we can continue to produce our weekly digest of news, views, rants and bants with the best new music out there!
Ask gerd_a – antisexistisches Kollektiv Berlin braucht Cash!
by Ask Gerda
Sexualisierte Gewalt wird viel zu oft individualisiert und privatisiert - doch unsere Arbeit und auch unsere Erfahrungen sind ein politischer Kampf im Patriarchat. Die finanziellen Kosten können und wollen wir nicht alleine tragen! Supportet Ask_Gerd_a!