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Raise money online for life's big events like birthdays, weddings, anniversaries & other celebrations. Gather contributions for gifts, fees and other event expenses. Birthday fundraiser and wedding fundraiser can be fast, easy and fun with ConnectionPoint. Create your mini-crowdfunding campaign in less than an hour and start raising money right away.
Wiracocha & Ancestors Calling! - On the way to the Andes to Study, Learn & share
by Juan Manuel Burgos
For more than 14 years, I've been feeling the call to make it to the Andes and Amazon to learn from the ways of my ancestors and traditions I resonate with. "Wiracocha is calling you, answer!" Said a friend back then. Now it is time! Ihuuuuu!!!
20th Annual Gathering at Pamplin Grove June 24-25-26, 2025
by Richard Salzman
My name is Richard Salzman. I am the host and lead organizer of this Annual Community Gathering and Cookout at Pamplin Grove. These annual gatherings have no political agenda, lectures or workshops; it is however, my belief that events such as this do ...