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Education & Schools
Easy online funding for tuition, books, classes, equipment, groups or other learning needs. Collect contributions for school, parent or teacher wish lists or your own education costs. School fundraiser is easy, fast and effective with ConnectionPoint’s powerful crowdfunding capabilities. Create your school fundraising site in less than an hour and start raising money immediately.
Jessica & Eli are raising funds to empower visually impaired students in Rwanda
by Jessica Rombach
You can empower visually impaired students in Rwanda! Support my campaign in benefit of Blessing School for the Visually Impaired (BSVI)—a school dedicated to empowering children with visual impairments through education. Will you step forward and donate?
Thrive Global Project - 2025 Team Kilimanjaro!
by Thrive Global Project
What you do. Explain your mission. Keep it short and sweet. Have a video? Even better! What you've done. Provide proof that you are worth supporting and show gratitude for where you are. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed...
Raising money for visually impaired students in Rwanda, Africa
by Thrive Global Project
What you do. Explain your mission. Keep it short and sweet. Have a video? Even better! What you've done. Provide proof that you are worth supporting and show gratitude for where you are. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed...
Shamrock Fun Run 2025: Support the Montessori School of Pawleys Island!
by Team Turek (Alex and Patrick)
MSPI will be hosting our third annual Shamrock Fun Run on Friday, March 14th on the Big Field to raise funds for our children's classrooms and outdoor spaces. By becoming a fundraiser, you can help us meet our goal of supporting our teachers and students!
Shamrock Fun Run 2025: Support the Montessori School of Pawleys Island!
by Team Grey
MSPI will be hosting our third annual Shamrock Fun Run on Friday, March 14th on the Big Field to raise funds for our children's classrooms and outdoor spaces. By becoming a fundraiser, you can help us meet our goal of supporting our teachers and students!
Shamrock Fun Run 2025: Support the Montessori School of Pawleys Island!
by Team Grayson
MSPI will be hosting our third annual Shamrock Fun Run on Friday, March 14th on the Big Field to raise funds for our children's classrooms and outdoor spaces. By becoming a fundraiser, you can help us meet our goal of supporting our teachers and students!
Apoyemos el Sueño de Areku de ir a Austria a recibir clases de Danza y Circo.
by Yulia Abundante
Areku es una joven de 15 años que ama las artes escénicas, desde los 3 años de edad a estado en clases de balet, danza , circo , acrobacias aéreas teatro . Y a surgido una bella oportunidad de ir a recibir clases en una escuela de circo y danza en Autria.
Widowed Mom of Eight Needs Help for Son's Graduation - Any Support Appreciated
by Nathalie Robichaud
Help Paul-Isaac Celebrate His Graduation – A Mother’s Dream Hello, I am reaching out today as a single widowed mother who has raised eight children on my own,with six still at home who attends school. I am asking for your kindness and support to help my..