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Help Fedrico, a senior, to have a home in the Dominican Republic (USA)
by PAL Humanitarian Services Inc.
Puerto Plata, Puerto Plata, DO
Fedrico is a senior man in his 80s. He has been squatting in this shack for more than 20 years. Now the property has been sold and he has no where to go but the street. Please help Dominican Starfish Foundation with the funds to build him a tiny home. ...
Build Masjid, Dar Quran, and well For Hajja Safinaz Matter ECP25027
by Africa Relief and Community Development
Building a masjid, a Quran school, and a well in Africa in the name of Hajja Safinaz Matter (may she rest in peace) is a gift that keeps on giving—a source of continuous reward and blessings for her and all those who contribute. Every brick laid in t...
Help Fedrico, a senior, to have a home in the Dominican Republic (CND)
by Dominican Starfish Foundation
Fedrico is a senior man in his 80s. He has been squatting in this shack for more than 20 years. Now the property has been sold and he has no where to go but the street. Please help Dominican Starfish Foundation with the funds to build him a tiny ho...