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Online Fundraising for film, music, writing, dance, design and other creative projects. Raise money for your creative passions, ideas and works of art. Create a beautiful art fundraiser in less than an hour, share with your community and let your fans and supporters donate money online.
Fantasy Warriors Vol 4
by Taregh Dabash Saber
An effective story informs and inspires. Here are 5 storytelling steps you should include: Describe the problem you are trying to solve. Describe the solution to the problem. Point out the gap or barrier to better outcomes. Make supporters the heroes ...
The KlangMundo Formula – Support a Concert with Purpose!
by KlangMundo Kammerorchester
🎶 A Concert with Purpose 🎶 Led by Pablo Márquez, the KlangMundo Chamber Orchestra unites top musicians for its new project “Passionate Strings” in Basel. Your help empowers young orchestras in Buenos Aires—giving kids hope through music. Be part of it!
General Donation
Preserve history, celebrate culture, and educate future generations! Support the African American Museum of the Central Valley in California. Donate today to help us honor and preserve the rich heritage of African Americans in the Valley. #SupportHistory
Pay Membership Dues
by Jewish Artists Initiative of Southern California
Emphasizing equity, membership benefits stay the same for all. We hope you will think of membership not just as paying a fee, but as a radical recommitment to all that JAI will do this year and beyond. Together let’s make the next 18 years of JAI vibrant!