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Support Our Local Food Producers: A Call to Action
by Mycoterra Farm, Inc.
Mass Food Delivery has delivered over 100,000 local food boxes and partnered with 132 farmers and food makers. This month, we made the difficult decision to close, and we need your help to repay our vendors as quickly as possible.
Go Over The Edge in 2025 for United Way of Cumberland County
by United Way of Cumberland County
Mission: Our mission is to improve lives across Cumberland County by strategically raising and investing resources that successfully impact prioritized human service and health needs while working in innovative partnerships with direct provider agencies.
Support A Indie Faith Based TV Series!
by Christopher Upchurch
Hello I’m Christopher J. Upchurch from Flint, Michigan the youngest out of 9 siblings. Growing up I always had a desire to express myself beyond the rough environment of the streets of inner city Flint, Mi. I knew there was more than my depressed city
Imam Hussein Islamic Society Ramadan 2025 Fundraising
by Imam Hussein Islamic Society (IHIS)
The community members that make up IHIS of Edmonton began congregating for major religious occasions in various rental halls in the mid- 2000’s. As of 2017, we have purchased a large facility that also served as the location for the Al Baqir Academy ...
Help Unstoppable Tracy Set Sail as the Canadian @ Hansa World Cup Australia '25!
by Unstoppable Tracy
Empower Unstoppable Tracy to Conquer the World Cup Waves in Australia representing Canada – March 2025! A Dream of Inclusivity, Competition, and Breaking Barriers I am #UnstoppableTracy, a passionate sailor, athlete, and advocate for inclusion.