Release 67
Sponsor management
- Sysadmin can now enable self-self sponsorship management features for specific organizations
- Organizations will be able to create and manage promotions and sponsorships
- Users can now specify a promotion start time (instead of just the date)
- The promotion end date is now optional
- Improved UX and streamlined the process for organization (e.g. removed the need to create separate sponsor entries)
- Important: For the time being, sponsorships created from the admin console cannot be managed by organizations directly (and vice versa)
Contribution images
- Added a new data collection option that allows contributors to upload one image
- This is fully integrated into offline contributions and the contribution editor
- The image will be shown in activity feeds and images will appear in the campaign’s media gallery
- Based on aggregation settings, contribution images (added to sub-campaigns) might also appear on master campaign pages
- Implemented an alternative search based on Elasticsearch
- Improved accuracy of search (e.g. by email address)
- Search data will now be available immediately to all users (previously there had been a 10 minute delay due to our search index replication)
- Important: Search results will initially still be based on our old search index. After we completed the re-indexing of our existing data in Elasticsearch, we will be able to switch completed (expected after a few days)
Tax receipts
- Options to re-issue and cancel receipts are now generally available to all organizations
- Use new default options for tax receipts (applicable to new organizations only):
- Prefix: FR-
- Add three leading zeros
- Implemented basic support for stock-keeping units (SKU)
- SKUs are displayed on reward pages and in transaction reports
Rich-text editor
- Improved layout of Vimeo videos in stories
- Fixed bugs caused by the concurrent usage of multiple rich-text editor instances
Multi-tier campaigns
- Master campaign manager can now change the status of individual sub-campaigns directly from the sub-campaigns report page
- Added a “Back to campaign” link to registration pages
Unicode support
- Improved support for Unicode characters. This includes 4 byte characters that were previously removed (e.g. Emojis)
- Replaced all date and time picker components with our date range picker component for a more consistent experience
- Improved vanity name generation and letter avatar resolution for names containing non-latin characters
- Avoid suggesting inactive campaigns on campaigns that finished
Public API
- Implemented support for since and since_id parameters for payment requests made with user access
- Always include all collected donor data in payments (even after data collection has been disabled on a campaign)
Stripe payments
- Fixed processing caused by invalid statement descriptors (caused by use of non-latin characters in campaign owner name)