Released on March 4th, 2024 @11:00PM PST
New features
Campaign visibility
Now you can have more control over who gets to see your campaigns. Remove your campaign from the platform’s find page & search engines, add password protection or only grant access to campaign team members – the power is yours!

- To change your campaign’s visibility:
- Go to the campaign’s privacy page (under Manage – Settings) OR
- Select the campaign status, followed by “Change visibility”.
- Select from Public, Private, Protected or Hidden.
- Save your campaign.
- If your campaign is set to Private, Protected or Hidden, the visibility will be appended to the status button as displayed below.

Consolidated Tax Receipts
Are your supporters complaining about receiving too many emails for their recurring contributions? Do you want to save them from digging through their emails come tax season? Enable consolidated tax receipts and they will receive one email at year end containing all of their recurring contributions for the year.

- To enable consolidated tax receipts for your organization:
- Go to your organization’s Receipt settings page (under Manage – Payments – Receipt settings).
- Select the “Issue consolidated tax receipts….” radio button.
- Save your changes.
- Contributors will receive one consolidated tax receipt for their recurring contributions in the middle of January of the following year. If they have a ConnectionPoint account, they will also be able to access the consolidated receipt from their contributions page once they are issued.
Transaction Codes
If you have an Organization ID transaction code configured, it will now be available on downloaded enterprise organization reports. Special thanks to Community Initiatives for the request!
Europe and the United Kingdom
If rewards are only shipped to Europe, they will no longer appear for supporters who set their location to the United Kingdom, when claiming rewards.
Resolved Issues
- Fixed UI spacing issues across all platforms.
- Fixed an issue that was preventing certain images from appearing in the media gallery.
- Fixed UI/UX issues when using the full screen editing option on WYSIWYG editor components.
- Fixed the “Near me” filter option on find pages.
- Minor bug fixes.