How to create a
digital fundraising
Follow along with our recommended order of

Watch this video
Learn how to quickly and easily create a fundraising campaign.
While this video guides you through the campaign creation flow in FundRazr, the flow is nearly identical to PetFundr and CoCoPay. See just how simple getting started is!

Watch this video
How to optimize your fundraising campaign
Before diving too deep into your campaign template, learn the 3 crucial parts of campaign optimization.

Check out this toolkit
Campaign Strategy Toolkit
Explore the essential elements of planning and executing a digital fundraising campaign. It’s not necessary to complete every part of this toolkit before continuing on to other resources, but a quick look will provide context for the rest.

Learn how to write your story
Choose an article based on your platform/project:
FundRazr/PetFundr: Project for a social cause or pet/animal
CoCoPay: Project for health and wellness care
A campaign story is the most essential and difficult part of the campaign to create. Each article here is designed with actionable steps to follow for each project type.

Read this article
Units of Impact – A successful campaign’s secret ingredient
No matter which platform you’re using or what your project is, units of impact will be invaluable to provide your supporters and help them understand the value of their contributions. After learning how to craft your story, read in-depth on units of impact to ensure you’ve strongly and accurately portrayed them in your story.

Read this article
Default Donation Amounts – How to choose your gift array
The default contribution suggestions that pop up after a supporter clicks that ‘Contribute’ button seems easy enough to choose, but there’s a lot of information behind the choices that could help you increase your chances of success.