Tracy Cassels
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Tracy's activity
Nothing to show yet.Thank you all SO SO much for all your contributions. The fundraiser is now closed after passing our goal by a large margin. We know Patrick's family appreciates your generosity in helping them through this time of need.
Quick update: We have to add hospital bills to the list of things to cover so PLEASE continue to share the word to help Patrick's family. They should not have to worry about finances at a time like this.
We have reached our goal of $10,000, but it doesn’t stop there… First, let us say that the outpouring and generosity of everyone in this wonderful parenting community has stunned us all in the most amazing way. We are in awe of the love and care shown to Patrick’s family at this time, a time when love and care are what’s needed. When we started the fundraiser, we admit we weren’t sure we would reach $10,000. We knew that although it was a large number, it really would not cover most of the expenses we were hoping to cover for Patrick’s family. But we also thought we might not reach that and didn’t want to fall too short of the goal. Were we wrong. Thank you for that – we’ve never been happier to be wrong. But in our wrongness, we don’t want people to think that there is no need to continue donating. Because there is a huge need. Funeral expenses alone will run close to $10,000 and we had also hoped to provide for the family in terms of lost wages so that Danny does not have to return to work straightaway, money for Julie to get a pump and the necessary costs associated with donating her breastmilk (which she is doing), and much more that we have outlined here. So please, continue to donate if you can. We will be collecting as long as people are willing to help. And to those of you who have already helped, thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
If you cannot use paypal, we have a PO Box address you can mail a donation to: Julie or Amy Johnson, PO box 6812 Santa Rosa, CA 95406
Tracy's campaigns
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