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Release Notes

Release 83 Notes – June 2023

By June 1, 2023No Comments

New Features

Smart Builder (AKA Templates)

  • Added the ability to create a campaign from a template by using the smart builder.
  • Different templates may exist for each platform or enterprise.
  • When a campaign is created using the smart builder, the campaign will contain certain settings by default that can be changed. Templates may also contain a unique set of tasks to help campaign owners/editors set-up and manage their campaign.
  • To create a campaign using the smart builder, follow the steps below:
    • Create a new campaign.
    • Give your campaign a title, select a category and select “Your or someone you know” or “An organization” when asked “Who is the money for?”.
    • Select “Save & continue”
    • If templates exist, in the “Type” step, when asked “How will you build your campaign?”, leave “Use SMART BUILDER” selected.
    • Under select a campaign type, browse through the different templates and select one that applies to your campaign. You can select details on each template widget to learn more and/or preview the template.
    • Once an appropriate template is determined, select the template followed by apply in the pop-up.
    • Complete the details section (and funding if creating a personal campaign).
    • Select “Review your campaign”
    • Follow the tasks in the tasks panel to guide you through the campaign setup process.
    • Upon completing all tasks, select “Launch now”.

Use SMART BUILDER // Browse Templates

Unique tasks for the selected campaign type/template

Default tasks

  • The tasks populated on any new campaign (for campaign owners/editors) have been updated. The updated tasks will guide users through the campaign setup process efficiently and effectively.
  • Tasks may differ depending on the platform being used and whether the campaign owner is using the smart builder, cloning or starting from scratch.
  • When selecting the button at the bottom of a task, if screen size permits, the task will remain open during task execution so that users can refer to task instructions.
  • Upon completing the task, users will be prompted to mark the task as done.

Task open while executing task

Refund Contributions

  • Added the ability for campaign owners/managers (for personal campaigns) or organization owners/managers (for organization campaigns) to refund payments from the transactions page.
  • Due to the payment providers’ refund policies, the transaction fees incurred on the original payment will not be refunded to the campaign’s payment account. However, contributors will still receive a full refund.


  • If a user is a member of campaigns on different platforms, they will now see all campaigns associated with their user account on the campaigns page.

Resolved Issues

Minor bug fixes.

Jesse Morein

Director of Product