New Feature
Notify Previous Supporters
- Added the ability to notify previous campaign supporters when launching a new campaign.
- When launching a new personal campaign, campaign owners/managers will have the option to notify supporters of the campaign owner’s previous personal campaigns.
- When launching an organization campaign, campaign owners/managers will have the option to notify all of the organization’s supporters. This option is not available for sub-campaigns.
- To notify previous supporters when launching a new campaign, follow the steps below:
- Ensure you have an existing campaign with at least 1 subscribed contact.
- As a campaign owner or manager, select “Launch now” on the new campaign.
- Leave the checkbox to notify supporters selected.
- Select the “Yes, launch” button.
- Email will be sent to all previous supporters explaining that you (or your organization) has launched a new campaign.
Checkbox to notify supporters (personal campaigns)

Email sent to previous supporters (personal campaigns)

Checkbox to notify organization’s supporters (organization campaigns)

Email sent to previous supporters (organization campaigns)

- Added the general availability of our REST API.
- Optimized load time for widgets.
Resolved Issues
Minor bug fixes.